Thursday, 20 May 2021

Our Learning From Mrss McGraph

                          From Miss McGrath                                                                                                      Today morning our class was Learning   from Miss McGrath.  We were Learning about being kind to people. 

We  made a chatter box in Hauraki and we coloured it and put  numbers onto  it. 
Then  we wrote kind words on  our chatter box and that was great. I want to make it again  
and  again and again.

Friday, 14 May 2021

ANZAC day Zachary

                                                                                                                      ANZAC day                                We are writing about ANZAC day at School. It was fun  and I was under the strings I had to crawl and all of my class mates had to crawl as well. Then I heard a loud gun shot.  We heard a Story about a Donkey, we wrote a letter  pretending to be a soldier. We  did some maths with the gun shooting sounds. Then We needed to pack up in  the class. It was a fun time.    


my later at home.